
Inside Wienerwald View

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A carpet of wild garlic covers the forest floor of the Vienna Woods. Nature, newly awakened, flaunts its lushest green, and grass is already growing on the lawns of our now-finished Wienerwald View project. It’s time for the architecture photographer to get to work.

Kurt Hörbst heads out for Kaltenleutgeben on a picture-perfect day. The sun illuminates the project, the sky is blue, and the birds are serenading. You almost feel like you can hear them singing in the photos. It’s peaceful here; now and then an athletic soul cycles through the scenery. A drone is sent up later, and the Vienna Woods shows itself with spectacular shadows.


Before versus after. We compare the pre-construction renderings with the photos of what is built. Our conclusion:

a job well done! 

Our promises have been kept. Embedded in greenery, yet close to the city, the Vienna Woods are at your doorstep. So very reassuring. We are very happy with the final results of our Wienerwald View project!


Apartments are still available. Don’t wait

too long…
Click here to see more about the project:

Wienerwald View

Photos:  © Kurt Hörbst

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