
A quiet Farewell...

Building // Coming home
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In the coming years, one of our inner-city redensification projects—The Blend, which has grown into a project dear to our hearts—will be erected on the grounds of an old hunting garage. Even the IBA_Vienna international building exhibition placed a special focus on The Blend because of its holistic nature. During the past four years of the rezoning and planning phase, we have been cheerfully operating the garage, where many a jewel was parked. Soon, it will not be cars but people who will have a roof over their heads, a true home—and surrounding community members will also have a place to gather. Before the demolition, there was a farewell celebration for the old building.


While we were still debating whether it was even possible to come together under the circumstances, a neighbor finally convinced us that choosing not to celebrate was simply out of the question. That was exactly one week before the date we chose—a tough challenge for our party committee! No electricity, no water, no toilet, no furniture, stringent Covid requirements …


The neighbors gave us electricity for a live band plus one refrigerator, and we used ice cubes for the rest. The AVORIS inventory was quickly scooted over to the hunting garage and we put in an order for a portable toilet. Candles brightened the dusk, freshly picked wildflowers delighted the eye. Our event, limited to 50 people, was properly registered and fully Covid compliant (tested, vaccinated, and in a good mood), and took place under bright skies and with even brighter spirits.

And who all were we able to welcome? Everybody involved in the project and all who contributed to its success with their hard work and support: neighbors, architects, structural engineers, site supervisors, project coordinators, visualizers, construction certifiers, building technicians, building physicists, and more. We were happy to greet WieNeu+, and even District Chairman Marcus Franz stopped by. The fact that our financing banker is also a passionate musician proved to a great stroke of luck. Together with his fellow musicians, he got our party rolling. It was a great time!


So maybe not quite such a quiet goodbye - one last garage party, a worthy farewell.