
Inside The Victoria

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24 hours at The Victoria! Memories of pleasant encounters and the feeling of well-being we had while there. Friendly and satisfied residents in a building just waking up to its first springtime.

We brought a professional photographer on board, Kurt Hörbst, to take pictures of The Victoria — and waited for the sunny weather of May just for the shoot. In the end, we took the pictures with rain pouring down outside the windows. That’s just the way it goes sometimes … and we are very happy with the results!

It’s been a good three years since the very first renderings of The Victoria and the final pictures we took today. Three years in which the ideas we had really came to fruition. Everybody we talked to said that it really has become a place that feels like home. A good place to be!


But we should probably just let the pictures speak for themselves ...

We would like to extend our sincere thanks for the delicious coffee we were served and the impressions of lively harmony we were permitted to share! Merci ...

PS: More insights you can read in this article at the Standard: Wohngespräch mit Schauspielerin Iréna Flury.